John Betydning og opprinnelse
John er Hebrew fornavn som betyr the grace or mercy of the Lord.
John er et navn som har blitt brukt av foreldre som vurderer gutt guttenavn.
John er for tiden #160 på popularitetslistene for babynavn i Norge i 2022.
Kjente personer som heter John er John Casey, John Irving, John Nichols.
John er et navn på 4 bokstaver med 1 stavelser.
John navn betydning
the grace or mercy of the Lord
John navn opprinnelse
John is ranked #160 most popular baby gutt name in 2020
I 2020, 100% av babyer som heter John var gutter
Navn popularitet over tid i Norge
Navn popularitet over tid i Canada
Kjendiser etter navn John
John Casey (Litteratur)
John Irving (Litteratur)
John Nichols (Litteratur)
John Updike (Litteratur)
John Edgar Wideman (Litteratur)
John Quincy Adams (Royal)
John Abadie (Baseball)
John Ake (Baseball)
John Anderson (Baseball)
John Barrett (Baseball)
John Bass (Baseball)
John Bates (Baseball)
John Bergh (Baseball)
John Brown (Baseball)
John Buckley (Baseball)
John Burns (Baseball)
John Cahill (Baseball)
John Callahan (Baseball)
John Carbine (Baseball)
John Cassidy (Baseball)
John Cattanach (Baseball)
John Clapp (Baseball)
John Clarkson (Baseball)
John Coleman (Baseball)
John Connor (Baseball)
John Corcoran (Baseball)
John Crowley (Baseball)
John Cuff (Baseball)
John Cullen (Baseball)
John Curran (Baseball)
John Dailey (Baseball)
John Deasley (Baseball)
John Dillon (Baseball)
John Dolan (Baseball)
John Doran (Baseball)
John Doyle (Baseball)
John Dwyer (Baseball)
John Dyler (Baseball)
John Ewing (Baseball)
John Farrow (Baseball)
John Firth (Baseball)
John Fischer (Baseball)
John Fogarty (Baseball)
John Foley (Baseball)
John Fox (Baseball)
John Galligan (Baseball)
John Galvin (Baseball)
John Ganzel (Baseball)
John Gilbert (Baseball)
John Gilroy (Baseball)
John Glenn (Baseball)
John Godar (Baseball)
John Grady (Baseball)
John Graff (Baseball)
John Greason (Baseball)
John Greenig (Baseball)
John Grim (Baseball)
John Grimes (Baseball)
John Haldeman (Baseball)
John Hamill (Baseball)
John Hanna (Baseball)
John Harkins (Baseball)
John Hatfield (Baseball)
John Hayes (Baseball)
John Henry (Baseball)
John Hibbard (Baseball)
John Hiland (Baseball)
John Hofford (Baseball)
John Hollison (Baseball)
John Houseman (Baseball)
John Humphries (Baseball)
John Irwin (Baseball)
John Keefe (Baseball)
John Kelly (Baseball)
John Kelty (Baseball)
John Kenney (Baseball)
John Kerins (Baseball)
John Kiley (Baseball)
John Kirby (Baseball)
John Leighton (Baseball)
John Lyston (Baseball)
John Magner (Baseball)
John Malarkey (Baseball)
John Maloney (Baseball)
John Mansell (Baseball)
John McCarty (Baseball)
John McGlone (Baseball)
John McGraw (Baseball)
John McGuinness (Baseball)
John McKelvey (Baseball)
John McMullin (Baseball)
John Meister (Baseball)
John Morrill (Baseball)
John Morrissey (Baseball)
John Mullen (Baseball)
John Mulligan (Baseball)
John Munce (Baseball)
John Murphy (Baseball)
John Newell (Baseball)
John O'Brien (Baseball)
John O'Connell (Baseball)
John O'Donnell (Baseball)
John O'Neill (Baseball)
John O'Rourke (Baseball)
John Otten (Baseball)
John Pappalau (Baseball)
John Peltz (Baseball)
John Peters (Baseball)
John Pickett (Baseball)
John Puhl (Baseball)
John Radcliff (Baseball)
John Rainey (Baseball)
John Reccius (Baseball)
John Reilly (Baseball)
John Richmond (Baseball)
John Richter (Baseball)
John Ricks (Baseball)
John Riddle (Baseball)
John Roach (Baseball)
John Rudderham (Baseball)
John Russ (Baseball)
John Ryan (Baseball)
John Schappert (Baseball)
John Shaffer (Baseball)
John Shearon (Baseball)
John Sheppard (Baseball)
John Shetzline (Baseball)
John Shoupe (Baseball)
John Slagle (Baseball)
John Sneed (Baseball)
John Sowders (Baseball)
John Stafford (Baseball)
John Stedronsky (Baseball)
John Strike (Baseball)
John Taber (Baseball)
John Thornton (Baseball)
John Tilley (Baseball)
John Traffley (Baseball)
John Valentine (Baseball)
John Ward (Baseball)
John Weyhing (Baseball)
John Wood (Baseball)
John Havlicek (Basketball)
John Stockton (Basketball)
John Adams (Royal)
John Caldwell (Bokser)
John Conteh (Bokser)
John Duddy (Bokser)
John Tyler (Royal)
John OBrien (Baseball)
John OConnell (Baseball)
John ODonnell (Baseball)
John ONeill (Baseball)
John ORourke (Baseball)
John Cena (Bokser)
John McDermott (Bokser)
John John Molina (Bokser)
John Mugabi (Bokser)
John Murray (Bokser)
John L. Sullivan (Bokser)
John Alexander (Tennis)
John Andrews (Tennis)
John Bromwich (Tennis)
John Cooper (Tennis)
John Doeg (Tennis)
John F. Hennessey (Tennis)
John Fitzgerald (Tennis)
John Hartley (Tennis)
John Hawkes (Tennis)
John Isner (Tennis)
John Lloyd (Tennis)
John Marks (Tennis)
John McEnroe (Tennis)
John Newcombe (Tennis)
John Sadri (Tennis)
John Van Ryn (Tennis)
John Boynton (Sport)
John Bramlett (Sport)
John Cadwell (Sport)
John Carrell (Sport)
John Cash (Sport)
John Charles (Sport)
John Denvir (Sport)
John Diehl (Sport)
John Dittrich (Sport)
John Dockery (Sport)
John Eason (Sport)
John Elliott (Sport)
John Embree (Sport)
John Farris (Sport)
John Frongillo (Sport)
John Gonzaga (Sport)
John Griffin (Sport)
John Guillory (Sport)
John Guzik (Sport)
John H. Douglas (Sport)
John Hadl (Sport)
John Harris (Sport)
John Henry Johnson (Sport)
John Huard (Sport)
John Huarte (Sport)
John Kenerson (Sport)
John Kompara (Sport)
John Maczuzak (Sport)
John Mangum (Sport)
John McCormick (Sport)
John McGeever (Sport)
John McMullan (Sport)
John Meyer (Sport)
John Milks (Sport)
John Neidert (Sport)
John Nocera (Sport)
John Outlaw (Sport)
John Pitts (Sport)
John Pyeatt (Sport)
John Richardson (Sport)
John Roderick (Sport)
John Schmitt (Sport)
John Scott (Sport)
John Simerson (Sport)
John Sklopan (Sport)
John Stofa (Sport)
John Tracey (Sport)
John Travis (Sport)
John White (Sport)
John Wittenborn (Sport)
John Yaccino (Sport)
John Malkovich (Mote)
John Galliano (Mote)
John Varvatos (Mote)
John F. Kennedy (Royal)
John (Bibelsk)
Captain John Smith from Pocahontas (Filmer)
John (Bibelsk)
John Pål Inderberg (Musikk)
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John - FAQ
Hva er navnet på navnet John?
Betydningen av navnet John er the grace or mercy of the Lord.
Hva er opprinnelsen til navnet John?
Opprinnelsen til navnet John er Hebrew .
Er John et jente- eller guttenavn?
Navnet John er en maskulin navn. I følge vår statistikk, 100.00% av babyer kalt John var gutter, 0.00% av babyer kalt John var jenter.
Hva er populariteten til navnet John?
I følge statistikk, John er rangert 160th er rangert gutt navn i USA, i 2020.