Daria Meaning and Origin
Daria is Latin given name meaning The name Daria is a feminine form of the Latin name Darius, which was derived from the Greek name Δαρεῖος (Dareios), which was in turn derived from the Old Persian name Dārayavauš, which means "he who holds.
Daria is a name that's been used by parents who are considering girl baby names.
Daria is currently #1788 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.
Famous people named Daria are Daria Gavrilova, Daria Kasatkina.
Daria is a 5 letters name with 3 syllables.

Daria name meaning
The name Daria is a feminine form of the Latin name Darius, which was derived from the Greek name Δαρεῖος (Dareios), which was in turn derived from the Old Persian name Dārayavauš, which means "he who holds
Daria name origin
Daria is ranked #1788 most popular baby girl name in 2022