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Charles Meaning and Origin

Charles is English, French given name meaning Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of King Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England..

Charles is a name that's been used by parents who are considering boy baby names.

Charles is currently #50 on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2022.

Famous people named Charles are Charles Johnson, Charles Bierman, Charles Comiskey.

Charles is a 7 letters name with 1 syllables.

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Charles name meaning

Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of King Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England.

Charles name origin

English French

Name facts

7 letter name and 1 syllables


Charles is ranked #50 most popular baby boy name in 2022

Gender chart

In 2022, 100% of babies named Charles were boys

Name popularity in the US

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Charles in the US

Name popularity in Canada

This graph illustrates how many babies were named Charles in Canada

Celebrities named Charles

Charles Johnson (Literature)
Charles Bierman (Baseball)
Charles Comiskey (Baseball)
Charles Matthews (Baseball)
Charles Radbourn (Baseball)
Charles Snyder (Baseball)
Charles Strick (Baseball)
Charles Witherow (Baseball)
Charles Oakley (Basketball)
Charles Barkley (Basketball)
Charles Gilbert Heathcote (Tennis)
Charles Hare (Tennis)
Charles P. Dixon (Tennis)
Charles Walder Grinstead (Tennis)
Charles Prince of Wales (Royal)
Charles Aznavour (Music)
Charles Berling (Movies)
Charles Boyer (Movies)
Charles Garnier ()
Charles Percier ()
Charles Baudelaire (Literature)
Charles Dezobry (Literature)
Charles Péguy (Literature)
Charles Perrault (Literature)
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (Literature)
Charles Ranhofer ()
Charles Sobhraj ()
Charles X (Royal)
Charles Martel (Royal)
Charles Aznavour (Music)
Charles Trenet (Music)
Charles de Gaulle (Royal)
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (Royal)
Charles François Dumouriez (Royal)
Charles Leclerc (Royal)
Charles Mangin (Royal)
Charles Albrecht ()
Charles Amirkhanian ()
Charles d'Assoucy ()
Charles Avison ()
Charles Lloyd Barnhouse ()
Charles Auguste de Bériot ()
Charles Burney ()
Charles Wakefield Cadman ()
Charles Camilleri ()
Charles Chaynes ()
Charles Crozat Converse ()
Charles Dancla ()
Charles Delioux ()
Charles Dieupart ()
Charles Dollé ()
Charles H. Gabriel ()
Charles Gounod ()
Charles Griffes ()
Charles Ives ()
Charles Knox ()
Charles Koechlin ()
Charles Lucien Lambert ()
Charles Édouard Lefebvre ()
Charles Martin Loeffler ()
Charles Lucas ()
Charles Mingus ()
Charles Mouton ()
Charles Neate ()
Charles Oberthür ()
Charles Theodore Pachelbel ()
Charles Hubert Hastings Parry ()
Charles Racquet ()
Charles Shere ()
Charles Michael Alexis Sola ()
Charles Villiers Stanford ()
Charles Tournemire ()
Charles Wesley ()
Charles Wesley junior ()
Charles Wilson ()
Charles Wood ()
Charles Wuorinen ()

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Charles - FAQ

What is the meaning of the name Charles?
The meaning of the name Charles is Charles is a masculine given name from the French form Charles of a Germanic name Karl. The original Anglo-Saxon was Ċearl or Ċeorl, as the name of King Cearl of Mercia, that disappeared after the Norman conquest of England..
What is the origin of the name Charles?
The origin of the name Charles is English French .
Is Charles a girl or boy name?
The name Charles is a masculine name. According to our statistics, 99.85% of babies called Charles were boys, 0.15% of babies called Charles were girls.
What is the popularity of the name Charles?
According to statistics, Charles is ranked 50th most popular boy name in the US, in 2022.
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